(Cancer Counseling)​
Advertising campaign
This was a part of my undergraduate college project.
My sister is a clinical psychologist. She used to work as a cancer counselor. I had accompanied her to the hospital where I met cancer patients as well as their families. One thing I noticed that the people there were not aware of cancer counseling for families and friends and thought that counseling was only available to patients. The families found it even more difficult to cope up with their emotions and felt helpless. I decided to create awareness about cancer counseling for family and friends through my campaign.
Cancer Patients Aid Association’s (CPAA) cancer counseling gives the cancer patients and their family and friends a place to express their emotions and talk about their troubles. It deals with the effects that cancer diagnosis can have on mental health.
Target Audience: Families of cancer patients.
Proposition: A support system at your convenience.
Concept: Cancer diagnosis not only affects the patient but also the family. The idea of the campaign is to show the common emotions such as grief, anxiety, depression, fear, worry, stress, sadness, and tension that the families of cancer patients go through frequently. Cancer Patients Aid Association’s (CPAA) family counseling can help deal with these tensions and worries with the help of trained professionals. The idea of the campaign is to show various situations and emotions faced by families of cancer patients.
This was displayed in the annual exhibition of my college. The visitors were able to connect to this campaign. Many of them shared their experiences about they handled their emotions when someone in their family was diagnosed with cancer. They also told me that awareness about cancer counseling is not much in India and that this campaign could really help the family.